DISCLAIMER Team Disclaimer The following offenses will disqualify any volunteer; sexual offense, assault, kidnapping, arson, bribery, criminal homicide, burglary, criminal trespass, perjury (any form of Obstruction of Justice) and drug related convictions. By clicking submit you have read and agreed with this disclaimer. For the Case Manager position you must have knowledge of Power Point, Excel, Word and have Customer Service Skills. I agree to not disseminate any information I see on are part in, including not not limited to screen shots of anything in the communication threads. I will not contact any FAMILY members unless I am told to by the CEO or President of We Can Bring You Hope. I will never accept or charge for Services. I agree to a background check and to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement.
MONITORING AND RECORDING COMMUNICATIONS You understand and agree that we may monitor and/or record any communications between you and us (or our Service Providers) for quality control and other business purposes. You understand and agree that this monitoring or recording may be done without any further notice to you or anyone acting on your behalf.
We Can Bring You Hope organization will consider any and all conversations including but not limited to Family thread and Management conversations part of a case file. Any information you collect while you are assigned to a case must be documented and received by WCBYH within 2 hours of receipt this includes audio and video records. All information found is considered work product and property of WCBYH. You may NOT screen shot or screen record any work product or share it with anyone outside of the organization. You must ask in writing for permission to the transcripts of any and all conversations between staff and family members of WCBYH. We will also provide information accordingly as we are generally working with the public over Social Media and people may Falsify who they are. We may Cease and Desist our contracts at any time due to our safety concerns or any violations that we see fit that prohibits the violation of our Protocols. WCBYH is here to work in GOOD Faith however it sometimes does not work to our advantage and in society people try and take advantage of our generosity. You may not make accusations of other family members, or staff, or cause chaos in any communication thread belonging to WCBYH, if you do you will be removed and WCBYH can choose to TERMINATE our relationship with you. You may not disrespect the Members of WCBYH, of you do WCBYH, will reserve the right to TERMINATE our relationship with you. You may not use our Posters on any Groups, Pages, or websites with out our written Permission. You may not attack people on Social Media who are trying to assist, or harass them, with the Investigation or we will TERMINATE our relationship with you. This can endanger your loved ones lives. You can not have any personal or professional communications with any family member or tipster out side of the guidelines set forth by WCBYH. You can not consume alcohol or be under the influence of any illegal drugs at anytime while in contact with a family member or at an event. You may not transport any family member while under the influence. Any and all decisions made about a case must be discussed and approved by The WCBYH Board of Directors prior to any steps being taken. More Detailed information with regard to this disclaimer will be within the Non Disclosure Agreement you MUST sign prior to joining WCBYH.